According2Sam #109 'Offense'

3 years ago

In 2014, Germany, France, Russia, Ukraine, and representatives from the separatists regions in Donbas, began talks to negotiate peace in Donbas. Representatives from these governments met in Minsk, Belarus, and on September 5, 2014 they signed an agreement for peace. It was called the 'Minsk Agreements', and it called for an immediate ceasefire. Unfortunately, this did not stop the fighting in Donbas, so representatives met again to hash out a new agreement that was called Minsk II. Minsk II was signed on February 12, 2015, and it called for an immediate ceasefire, the withdrawal of heavy weapons from the front lines, prisoner releases, and an amendment to the Ukrainian constitution granting self-governing status to the separatists regions of Donbas. However, Minsk II also failed to bring peace. At the same time that these peace talks were taking place, representatives for the United States were visiting Ukraine and encouraging them to keep up the fight, and go on "offense". Was the United States working against these peace agreements, and what is the Biden administration currently doing to negotiate peace? Join the conversation and get answers to these questions and more on According2Sam episode #109.

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