(四)Dylan's了凡5A 20220130

2 years ago

《Humility is the way to preserve merits, keep a low profile all the time》
3517 All that meritorious reform has been done. How do you preserve them? How do you keep them growing and growing, without falling. So this is where we talk about humility. So Chapter Four is about humility. He began in the very iconic words, in I Ching(The Book of Changes). I believe in the West, everyone loves I Ching, I think. Not everyone, but I Ching is well known. Because it talks about laws of life, just like we're talking about laws of physics, you know, reaction, action, reaction and all that.

3556 But this is the same thing. It's an observation of how things work in terms of nature and human, nature and nature, human and human, the human and nature and all that relationships, it is about relationships, how it changes, how dynamic it is.

3614 So there, he picked a phrase, he saw, the heavens will always reward the one who is humble, and always take away from those who are full of themselves. Sounds like the Bible. I read the Bible yesterday as well. And they did talk about that, God will only reward the humble and take away from the people who are full of themselves.

So same thing, it's an iron law, everyone knows, everyone should know. On the earth, we are talking about the physical one, the earth, right, we're always making something that is piled up like a mountain back into the common ground. So look at the mud, they will always flow to the ground, alright, not the other way around. So this is how it works in our world. That means if your heart is as deep as a valley, you can take even more 虛懷若谷, you can take more in. If you're already high like a mountain there, no one can fit anything more in there.

3723 So humility is the way to preserve it, keep a low profile all the time. Always have that, low profile, don't do anything flashy unnecessary, unless it gives a proper message, otherwise don't.

Not just the sky and the land. Heaven as in the sky and earth as in the land. We're talking about the spiritual beings like the ghost, the gods, the spirits. They will always try to prank or not prank, punish people who are full of themselves and always try to benefit those people who are humble, who are keeping a low profile, who are not trying to show off.

3810 Humans always hate someone who is too full of themselves. They don't like someone who is full of themselves and they dislike arrogance. Always respect those who are humble. (When) people are humble, you feel very comfortable with that person. They don't get in your face all the time, right? This is more relatable, they’re humans.

3835 Someone who is full of himself, you can see even having a meal with them is so unbearable, they will be talking about everything just about themselves. Every time you try to bring up a topic, it's all about me, it's about me. So, reflect on that.

Therefore, in I Ching(The Book of Changes), there is a Gua(卦). So eight opposites, just like what we read about in Chapter 3, the eight opposite of good deeds, I think he got inspiration from here and this is also eight pairs. If you want to summarize phenomena of the whole world, of the whole universe, they can be summarized into eight pairs, including science, including biology or whatever, the history, sociological, psychological, biological, scientific, and philosophy, everything can be summarized into these eight Gua(卦).

3924 Obviously, I'm not profoundly learning about this, but this summary I read. So everything has ups and downs, like Yin and Yang, right? And this is how the Yin Yang(陰陽) came from, by the way guys. Everything has its good and bad (sides), they always have opposites. When you have merits here, (you) always have some faults there, something like that. They will and unless you are a Buddha.

3947 So normal people will always have that. But among that there's only one Gua(卦), which is one of the signs, they're always positive, they will never be negative, which is humility, 六爻皆吉.

So in Chinese it is called 謙之一卦 六爻皆吉. In a very simplified way, every phenomenon has its pluses and minuses, some have more pluses, some have more minuses.

But this one only has pluses and no minuses. So as you can see in the history, people who made, in Chinese history, people who made huge achievements, like building the Han Dynasty, 張良, Mr. Zhang, and he, I think he read this as well.

He's like: I finished, I helped this Emperor Liubang(劉邦) to build a nation. So the Han Dynasty, that’s why we are called Han Chinese here. As you can see, it is a very powerful dynasty. So they built a whole nation out of that, and then he retreated from the scene. He didn't take any dukedom or marquees, or any sort of prestige or fame. He just hid, without even being known, without even informing him(劉邦), he just hid from the public. He didn’t take the prestigious honor that he deserved, hiding and enjoying his little life in the mountains. ...

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