A Good God Thing

3 years ago

Go with the flow! Right?!! Been there and done that. God is always on the move and we are all trying to keep up with what He is doing. Sometimes things change so quickly that you can’t wrap your mind around it. If we lean into God’s Sovereign sway, go with what He is doing, life is less frustrating. God does do new things and sometimes we don’t know where He is leading. God likes to change things up in our lives, so we have to depend on Him more. We can react to change by bucking up our will and trying to walk against the current of our reality and do our own thing, that never quite works out. It is very exasperating and exhausting! The best thing for us to do is turn away from dependence on self, yield our lives to God’s way and follow after where He is leading. Followship can be a great God Adventure, such a good thing, as you surrender to God and give Him total access to your life. I am thinking followship is definitely a way we serve a power higher than ourselves, as we yield our lives to God, giving Him total access to our life. There is no room for selfishness in the followship of God, and the God adventure is always pretty amazing. The truth is, being victorious is faithfully hanging out with God and being wholly-holy aligned with His Kingdom purpose in play in your life! Followship after Jesus, His Life-Truth-Way will make you victorious, you won’t be a loser in Him, His endgame is amazing and that’s the truth! That is why the one thing that stands out when you are in followship of God is a good attitude, even in a bad situation. So today, determine in your heart that you will follow God and grow through every season with reverent-submissive-obedience. Followship Such A Good Thing! God knows as I endure through long seasons of waiting, there is less of me and more of Him active. With God charting my course, at the helm of my life, I grow through things better, gaining a Kingdom perspective that is much more valuable than getting the worldly things that I want, that are influenced by cultural say so. Followship Is A Good God Thing! Awe-GOD! Dig Deeper: https://thebridegroomscafe.com/true-followship/

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