PROJECT VERITAS - NYT Reporter-CIA / NSA Sources; ‘Ridiculous Pee Tape Didn’t Exist’ …

2 years ago

Rosenberg on infamous pee tape: “It involved CIA and NSA. It involved Trump and involved that ridiculous, like, ‘pee tape’, which of course doesn't exist.”

Rosenberg: “I think there's like a real internal tug of war [at NYT] between, like the reasonable people and some of the crazier leftist sh*t that's worked its way in there.”

New York Times Reporter Discusses CIA / NSA Sources; ‘Ridiculous Pee Tape Didn’t Exist’ … ‘Crazier Leftist Sh*t’ Influences Reporting

Rosenberg said his colleagues at the NYT were "not the clearest thinkers, some of them” before calling the people that end up at the paper “very neurotic people.”

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