Tyranny of The State! NT989 Marketing Event Coordinator JAILED by Oscoda Township

2 years ago

IN FULL CONTEXT! What happened to our volunteer and charity Event Planner Jenn Kirch #freejenn .

In one of the most shocking arrests we've seen the past year of citizens being bullied, attacked and #JAILED simply for standing up to township and school boards nationwide... WHO WOULD HAVE THOUGHT THIS CORRUPTION WOULD COME TO OUR BELOVED COMMUNITY!

Our volunteer, Jenn Kirch was charged with a FELONY...held without bail overnight and not released until Tuesday afternoon.

Jenn can't afford an attorney and will be forced to have one provided by the same govt that jailed her for free speech.

IN FULL CONTEXT! What happened to our volunteer and charity Event Planner Jenn Kirch #freejenn .

In one of the most shocking arrests we've seen the past year of citizens being bullied, attacked and #JAILED simply for standing up to township and school boards nationwide... WHO WOULD HAVE THOUGHT THIS CORRUPTION WOULD COME TO OUR BELOVED COMMUNITY!

Our volunteer, Jenn Kirch was charged with a FELONY...held without bail overnight and not released until Tuesday afternoon.

Jenn can't afford an attorney and will be forced to have one provided by the same govt that jailed her for free speech.

NT989 Marketing Event Coordinator JAILED by Oscoda Town

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