Are Government Schools Grooming Students?

2 years ago

It is bad enough that children are failing to meet proficiency standards in English Language Arts, Math and Science, but now the focus of school time is on social engineering, humanistic training, sexual immorality, revisionist history and other godless subject matters.

Right here in Illinois, a shocking number of kids hear messages about choosing their gender or embracing an LGBTQ lifestyle … and our state lawmakers have mandated “comprehensive sex ed” for kids as young as kindergarten.

Why are adults talking to our innocent children about sex, masturbation and contrived gender issues? Are they grooming our children for early unhealthy sexual activities?

There is no question about it... godless indoctrination that is already well underway in our public schools (not by every teacher), is one of the reasons we see so many of our children leaving the faith when they are out of high school.

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