Jeanne Trabulsi: The fight against an Israeli human rights violator

2 years ago

2022 Transcending the Israel lobby at Home & Abroad conference
March 4 at the National Press Club

Jeanne Trabulsi has spent her career in education, communications, and public relations. She is presently coordinator of the Education Committee of the Virginia Coalition for Human Rights and has taught at the university and K-12 levels for over 15 years. She is the founder of the Refugee Doll Project. The Project is partnered with the Welcoming Library, a pop-up collection of acclaimed picture books that feature New Arrival and New American families. The portable library travels between schools, public libraries, and community centers in Virginia to build an environment of welcoming and belonging.

Trabulsi outlines why VCHR opposes UN-designated "category G" human rights violator Energix Renewable Energies. She outlines how "bad practices" developed in Israeli occupied Palestinian and Golan Heights territories have been localized to Virginia's market. Trabulsi looks at how communities in Virginia are pushing back against Energix as it receives undue subsidies and influence across the commonwealth.

Since 2015 the annual IsraelLobbyCon conference series at the National Press Club explores the latest research, innovations and tactics for countering the Israel lobby’s damaging policies in the U.S. and around the globe. See for more information.

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