Lets Play Diablo 2 pt 1

3 years ago

Originally uploaded to Youtube on June 25, 2014

I am finally getting around to starting my Diablo 2 lets play, and what a pain in the ass. Skype Call Recorder did not record anything,. FRAPS recorded his half of the conversation and not mine. This resulted in me having to rebuild my half of the conversation. I recorded and inserted more than 100 individual voice clips that are my half of the conversation. IT took 6 hours. I, also, had to learn a new video editing software called Openshot because I had to edit this on my dads laptop.

As for what I have been doing since the Diablo Lets Play ended, well I recorded two gameplay videos of the Rogue and the Sorcerer in Diablo 1. I used those to edit together a review of that game. You can see these videos here:

Rogue gameplay: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Zo69fdFC4Y

Sorcerer gameplay: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-x9ZF1IuPTc

Review: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RQ97KJl7nYk

I recorded a pre E3 podcast with my friend Eric where we talk about what we were expecting to see. Here is a preview of it in Youtube:


Then I flew to Texas. My birthday happened. E3 started, and I tweeted all of the news from all 5 press conferences on the sites Twitter account @deliriumfeed

After that., I recorded a post E3 podcast with Eric. Here is a 10 minute preview of that on Youtube:


I, also, made a few other videos, including test recordings with FRAPS, a joke video with Metal Gear Solid anda remastered E1M1 video. LAst, but not least, I brought a bunch of gameplay videos from my main channel (fsmetal) over to this channel, so I have not been doing nothing. Enjoy

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