Episode #55: CPAC Chairman Backs Transgenderism

2 years ago

Jacob and Eric talk about the results of the South Korean presidential election, a mainstream media insider's confession about January 6th, and the blood-boiling story of an Antifa murderer getting off scot-free, before turning to the main topic: A conservative civil war over CPAC chairman Matt Schlapp's sudden and bizarre endorsement of transgenderism.


00:00 Intro
03:54 Revenge of the South Korean Incels
10:39 NYT journalist admits the his paper exaggerated J6
17:53 All Charges Dropped against Antifa Murderer
35:12 Main Topic: CPAC Chairman Matt Schlapp supports sexual deviancy


South Korea elects an anti-feminist candidate as president: https://www.theamericanconservative.com/state-of-the-union/incels-vote-too/

New York Times reporter admits that January 6th is overblown by the media: https://www.spiked-online.com/2022/03/13/the-new-york-times-mask-has-slipped/

Background of an Antifa murder committed in broad daylight in Denver in 2020: https://www.unz.com/mmalkin/a-media-political-assassination-in-denver/?highlight=lee+keltner

Denver District Attorney drops charges against Antifa murderer Matthew Dolloff: https://www.denverpost.com/2022/03/10/matthew-dolloff-charges-dropped/

Media spin justifying the Antifa murder of innocent, unarmed Trump supporter Lee Keltner: https://www.dailycamera.com/2022/03/13/editorial-when-is-a-homicide-justified-when-is-a-homicide-justified/

Dolloff was working as a bodyguard for a local news crew at the time he committed the murder: https://www.courttv.com/news/prosecutors-to-drop-murder-charge-in-denver-security-guard-shooting/

CPAC chairman Matt Schlapp suddenly tweets support for transgenderism: https://twitter.com/mschlapp/status/1500609348854288385

Jenna Ellis tears into Schlapp on Twitter: https://twitter.com/JennaEllisEsq/status/1501201051017429000?cxt=HHwWkICy5d6Zq9UpAAAA

Ellis talks further about the incident on her podcast: https://twitter.com/mschlapp/status/1500609348854288385

Schlapp’s CPAC took a six-figure dark money donation from a Soros-affiliated group: https://thenationalpulse.com/2022/03/08/revealed-matt-schlapps-cpac-took-six-figure-social-action-donation-from-soros-linked-dark-money-network/

Schlapp actively tried to shut down any pro-life panels at CPAC: https://thenationalpulse.com/2022/03/09/pro-life-pitbull-slams-cpac-as-video-emerges-of-schlapp-admitting-i-dont-want-pro-life-panels/

The New York Times’ profile of Matt and Mercedes Schlapp: https://www.nytimes.com/2018/04/30/us/politics/schlapp-trump.html

Michelle Malkin’s book “Open Borders Inc:” https://www.scribd.com/book/421783120/Open-Borders-Inc-Who-s-Funding-America-s-Destruction

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