Babylon, America's Mother Part II: The Roman Catholic Whore of Babylon

2 years ago

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A message by Pastor Sam Adams, aired on the TRUE GOSPEL BROADCAST for June 22, 2014 (airs every Sunday at
am & pm, at This message is the fourth of five sermons in the series titled "America the Babylon." Bible text: Jeremiah
; Revelation
. While New England was first settled by Pilgrims seeking religious freedom, the America that was born in 1789 was far more the creation of the Vatican and its Jesuit infiltrators than of Protestant Christians. Having explained in previous messages how and why the last-days “’Daughter of Babylon” described in Jeremiah 50-51 and Revelation 18, a new nation that must arise to wield global commercial and military power, MUST be identified as America, and having also partly exposed the Vatican’s role her creation, this message further confirms the identity of America’s mother, identified in Revelation 17 as MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH.

This message presents several evidences showing that this woman riding a beast of global empire IS the Roman Catholic Church; the entity that parades itself as a Christian organization, and yet for centuries has promoted a counterfeit Christianity that is NOT AT ALL the Christian faith established by the Lord Jesus and His apostles; that replaces the Biblical faith with its idolatrous Babylonian “mystery” doctrines of purgatory, the priesthood and the mass, and that demotes the Lord Jesus to a place of obscurity behind the real god of the Catholic Church: the virgin goddess, Ishtar, a/k/a Ashtoreth, the Queen of Heaven. And it IS the entity and organization that has the blood of MILLIONS of Christian martyrs on its hands, and a well documented history of centuries of the most barbarous and cruel forms of torture imaginable of those martyrs…

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