Calisthenics Pushing Series. Hardstyle High Tension Push-up

2 years ago

You ever hear someone say they can do 100 straight pushups? I’m sure someone
Can but it’s gonna be very few and far between. A great standard is 30, this is speaking of full Range of motion and keeping your back in line, once again not common, at least without a sagging back etc.

At what point do you reach the point of diminishing return? Beat up shoulders to build your chest? Makes no sense. Just look around any gym in USA and watch people clutching shoulder then proceeding to do another set on the bench.

The hard style or high tension push-up adds intensity to the movement while also protecting your shoulders. This is due to rotating your thumbs out and away from
Your body, so your shoulders are externally rotated. Your biceps should face forward, your hands should be a little inside of shoulder width.

Imagine an elevated plank, tighten abs, move pelvis into posterior tilt and slightly hollow back. Generate full body tension with flexed quads and glutes, your lats act as a foundation to press from so keep them tight and engaged. Inhale and begin the eccentric portion of the push-up, allow nose to ever so slightly sweep the deck, use a towel or something. Pause and press up with a sharp exhale, full ROM and assure shoulders externally rotated before starting next rep. A great goal is 20

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