Ukraine Situation explained

2 years ago

No sane, rational individual could watch this film and still believe the official narrative about Ukraine. That's why Youtube recently deleted it. Ukraine on Fire by Oliver Stone is by far the most accurate and comprehensive documentary covering the history of U.S. involvement in Ukraine from the end of World War II to the crisis (and war) of 2014. Those of you who have followed the @StormCloudsGathering channel since the old days will recognize many of the events and some of the footage. We covered this as it was happening, but Stone fills in many gaps and connects dots that no one else seems to have caught. The case he puts together would give any honest prosecutor more than enough evidence to press charges against many of these criminals. Download it now and put it on an external hard drive / usb key. This is one of those films that you will want to be able to show people after the internet is taken down.

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