Typical Monday Vlog

3 years ago

Honest Bare Videos (rumble.com)
Want to become a client and know what my services are? Fill out this form first! https://forms.gle/zPh3gpSzVqmuNT268
Want to know more about anything you see? Here is my website: https://honesltybarekassirae.com/
Ya’ll have continued supporting me in everything, I would love to pray for you. If you want me to pray fo
r you, please email me. whativprayedfor@gmail.com
Join me on patreon (this is so I don't have to do sponsorships, so if you don’t like adds or sponsorships click the link below to join): https://www.patreon.com/preview/17f28336729a42149221e1972bd3849d
Join my newsletter! Honestly Bare – be you (honesltybarekassirae.com)
P O D C A S T 🎙
Meattheanswer on Apple Podcasts
M E R C H: https://teespring.com/stores/kassi-rae-2
L I N K S M E N T I O N E D:
Juice plus: http://kh37640.juiceplus.com/
Fitness Merch: https://kassi-rae.creator-spring.com/listing/honestly-bare-athletic-collect
Workout supplements: Kassidy Huelsebusch (teambeachbody.com)
Not a coach. I just sell their supplements because they are most holistic and natural in my opinion.
Oils: https://www.myyl.com/honestlybare
Thrive: http://thrv.me/P5mrmW
$50 off the willow pump: https://shareasale.com/r.cfm?b=1892908&u=3108758&m=89326&urllink=&afftrack=
Blog Post: https://honesltybarekassirae.wpcomstaging.com/2022/02/17/kass-korner-diaper-bag-products/
YouTube video mentioned:
Breastfeeding | tips and tricks | - YouTube
Blessing Binder: https://shareasale.com/r.cfm?b=1557797&u=3108758&m=98362&urllink=&afftrack=
B U S I N E S S I N Q U I R E S 📞🖥
{Some links are affiliate. By purchasing an item from the affiliate link. I receive a small commission. However, you are not charged more or less by clicking or purchasing from the links. Thank you so much for supporting me and I am sending my peace, love, and prayers.}

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