Mental Health And Cannabis Use How Can It Help Millions Suffering Everyday

2 years ago

Hello everyone hope your well today's Daily Dose is sponsored by Anchor.Fm an all in one platform for podcasting, best of all it's free and by get your cannabis delivered fast use promo code - DAILY - at checkout and save 40% OFF your purchase today.

In this episode I want to discuss mental health, it's been ignored for so long. Thinking back decades ago it was just treated and that was all. Now a days it seems to have come full circle where the growing number of those who suffer are in the tens of millions everyday and vary from all ages.

I will share data provided by the National Alliance For Mental Health it provides data sets from 2020 before the pandemic. It's clear to me and has been for some time mental health, emotional health are very important to function day in day out, I too have had a tough life and have sought help in various ways.

So what's the idea behind cannabis and mental health, over the years I have met some of the sweetest and kindest individuals who are a part of the greater cannabis community. The suggestion is that we can help society connect a bit better while trying to find a cohesion among us that fits through the use of cannabis. Cannabis users are often the most accepting and loving people out there, sharing those powerful feelings provided by cannabis can be a huge advantage for humanity.

The other question is regarding whether or not people among the mentally ill can also find tremendous benefits from cannabis use for their own needs, for years here in the state of California during the medical era of cannabis one of the options on the questionnaire was depression and many have used that option when getting a medical card. From that bit of detail we know people have been using cannabis for this purpose and finding positive results.

Thanks for listening to the Daily Dose Podcast.

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