Dinos and Humans I, The Complete Creation part 25, 3rd edition, part 25

2 years ago

In this episode, we introduce the evidence surrounding the Paluxy Fossil footprints in particular, but also introducing the implications of the evidence of man and dinosaurs living contemporaneously.

Random References:

Creation Evidence Museum & McFall Research Center

Valley Of The Giants, by Dr. C.N. Dougherty, D.C.
The Latest Discoveries In Paleontology, 1984, Seventh Edition
Valley of the Giants Publishers, Grover C. Gibbs. Jr., Glen Rose, TX

Dinosaur, Scientific Evidence That Dinosaurs and Men Walked Together,
Carl E. Baugh, Ph.D. With Clifford A. Wilson, Ph.D.
2nd edition, 1987 Promise Publishing Company, Orange, CA

Falkingham PL, Bates KT, Farlow JO (2014) Historical Photogrammetry: Bird's Paluxy River Dinosaur Chase Sequence Digitally Reconstructed as It Was prior to Excavation 70 Years Ago. PLoS ONE 9(4): e93247. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0093247

Genesis Evidence Ministries and Teno Groppi

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