03/15/22 Tue. Reproductive Health! 'Power of the Dog' Gay Movie Drama!

2 years ago

Center for Transgender Healthcare! CO Reproductive Health Equity Act! "The Power of the Dog" movie people kiss up to women and gays!
0:00:00 Tue, Mar 15, 2022
0:01:52 Hey, guys!
0:03:55 SOCIAL PARIAH: Commie Capitalism, Evil
0:13:40 WILLIAM, CA: Yesterday caller Mike, MI
0:22:24 Supers: Mike's IQ, DHS, PragerU?
0:31:14 Johns Hopkins Transgender Healthcare
0:41:03 Colorado Reproductive Health Equity Act
0:49:14 Supers: Health $$$, Rich blacks
1:01:09 "Moral Threat" - Huntingtons
1:02:46 Reading chat
1:05:00 ERICK: Candace Owens
1:11:27 Jane Campion, Williams sisters
1:19:50 RICK, ME: Abortion
1:27:11 JEREMIAH: Daughters of Zion
1:42:16 Cumberbatch vs. Sam Elliott
1:53:37 LUKA, IN: Chemtrails!
1:55:19 BOBBY, TX: Sam Elliott, Jussie Smollett
1:59:02 Supers: Mushroom, Kiss-up Campion
1:59:39 "800 Lives" - Everet Almond

The Hake Report, Tuesday, March 15, 2022 AD: INTERESTING CALLS: Commie Capitalism, blacks' mindset, TPUSA, Candace Owens, Black Hebrew Israelite, Western movies (See below!) // STORIES/TOPICS: Johns Hopkins University (which puts out China Virus data) has a "Center for Transgender Healthcare"! // Colorado's mannish female Democrat Rep. Meg Froelich passed the "Reproductive Health Equity Act"! // Award-winning female movie director Jane Campion apologized to black female tennis players Venus and Serena Williams — after kissing up to them! // Jane Campion movie actor Benedict Cumberbatch (gay "Western" movie "The Power of the Dog") talks like a male feminist against old school actor Sam Elliott. //

MUSIC: "Moral Threat" - Huntingtons - Plastic Surgery (2000, Tooth and Nail Records) // "800 Lives" - Everet Almond - YouTube Audio Library (Chris selection) //

Social Pariah from Denver, CO: Hippy Dippy scoffed at "Commie Capitalism." Beck book! //
William from California addresses yesterday's black Christian caller Mike from Michigan. //
Richard from North Carolina asks James's thoughts on TPUSA. //
Erick from Selma, AL addresses Charlie Kirk and Candace Owens, panderers! //
Rick from Maine addresses those who violate a Commandment by aborting a fetus! //
Jeremiah from Louisiana cites Isaiah's haughty "daughters of Zion": black women? //
Luka from Indiana thanks James for mentioning "chemtrails" and cloud seeding! //
Bobby from Texas liked Sam Elliott's movies; Jussie tryna get out due to threats? //

BLOG POST and PODCAST: https://www.thehakereport.com/blog/2022/3/15/031522-tue-the-hake-report

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James reads Hake News on The Jesse Lee Peterson Show where he is also an expert. He produces Church for Jesse's nonprofit, BOND, dedicated to "Rebuilding the Family by Rebuilding the Man." http://rebuildingtheman.com | http://jesseleepeterson.com

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