"This Do In Remembrance of Me": Everything We Say and Do

2 years ago

The Lord's Supper is the only ordinance that the Lord Jesus specifically said we are to do in remembrance of Him; but the fact is that for the child of God, EVERYTHING we do is to be done in His name and in remembrance of Him.

This message first explains the meaning of the Lord's Supper, and that when Paul says, "For he that eateth and drinketh unworthily, eateth and drinketh damnation to himself, not discerning the Lord's body," the BODY Paul means is not the physical body of the Lord Jesus, it is the CHURCH. The taking of the Lord's Supper is not a mere personal issue between an individual believer and the Lord Jesus. It is to be observed in harmony and fellowship with the Church; meaning the local visible assembly, not some universal spiritual church (which does not exist). Paul's point is that you cannot be in full fellowship with the Lord Jesus if you are not in right fellowship with His local church.

The message goes on to expose and renounce the satanic and blasphemous Catholic mass and "eucharist" and its idolatrous attempt to replace the priesthood and ONE-TIME all-sufficient eternal sacrifice of the Lord Jesus with the Catholic priesthood and its ongoing ritual weekly sacrifice in the mass. We then drive home the point from Colossians
that not only the Lord's Supper, but EVERYTHING we do is to be done in Jesus' name and in remembrance of Him.

This sermon was preached by Pastor Sam Adams on 12-04-2016 at Independence Baptist Church in Belleview, Florida. Bible text: 1 Corinthians
-34; Colossians

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