The Brightness of Gods Glory

3 years ago

This sermon was preached by Pastor Sam Adams on
9/29/13 at Independence Baptist Church in Belleview, Florida. This is the first of two messages in the sermon series "Hebrews: Christ's Supremacy".

The first three verses in the epistle to the Hebrews are so rich with spiritual truth, we could spend from now until Jesus comes studying just these verses and still not fully reveal all the truth contained therein. This book reveals the person and glory of the Lord Jesus as does no other. The writer wastes no time here but immediately declares the theme of the book, which is the Supremacy of Christ and the superiority of the New Covenant to the Old, showing at the outset that the New Covenant was brought by a superior messenger: the Son of God Himself.

In just these first three verses we see first how God has progressively revealed His word and given His light to mankind from creation onward. Then we see a powerful revelation of the deity of the messenger who was fully God in human flesh, who by the power of His word spoke the worlds into existence and upholds the universe. In verse 3 we see Jesus, “who BEING the brightness of his [the Father’s] glory, and the express image of His person…” Jesus does not just partake of, or reflect, or imitate that brightness; He in fact IS that brightness! Whenever God has revealed Himself to mankind it has been in the person of His Son. That is why Jesus was able to say, "he that hath seen Me hath seen the Father..."

We also see in verse 3 that this wonderful messenger is also a wonderful Saviour, who purged our sins - meaning forever eliminated and eradicated - something the law could never do - and then sat down at God’s right hand, because His work was forever done - something the priests under the Old Covenant could never do. What a wonderful messenger, and wonderful Savior!

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