Why Are So Many People Dying? - The Daily Mojo

3 years ago

The Daily Mojo is 2 hours of news, commentary, comedy, and auditory deliciousness.
Pfizer has been accused of pandemic price gouging and profiteering! Say it ain't so! The Bob Saget mystery deepens, despite the court's efforts to silence it. We have a basic primer on inflation, so simple - even the President could understand it. But apparently, he doesn't.
On a lighter note (dark humor), there've been more deaths in the past couple of years and scientists are trying to understand why, but it's possible they've found Bigfoot...in California?
Austin Kleon ( @AustinKleon AustinKleon.com ) - author of Steal Like an Artist - joins the program to discuss how to do just that, and why it's more important now than ever before.
Peter Serefine's Liberty Minute & Aaron Barker's Breakdown are part of the show, as well.
Plus it's day 730 of 15 days to flatten the curve.
All things in one place: https://linktr.ee/realbradstaggs
All things in one place: https://linktr.ee/realronphillips
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