TUCKER CARLSON - The U.S. confirmed biolabs in Ukraine. Anyone who says it is accused of treason.

2 years ago

Carlson then delved into further revelations regarding the funding of bio-labs by the U.S. government.

“Over the weekend, CBS News reported that Pentagon officials have confirmed that these biolabs in Ukraine are, in fact, conducting research on anthrax and other ‘deadly pathogens,'” Carlson asserted.

He also noted that “The director of the U.S. Cooperative Threat Reduction Program, a man who would know a man called Robert Pope, has confirmed that scientists are keeping Soviet-era pathogens for research purposes in Ukraine.”

“They told us they were destroying them. They should have destroyed them, but they haven’t. What could go wrong in an active war zone? And they knew that those pathogens existed and were being experimented upon, researched,” Carlson urged.

The host also invited Tulsi Gabbard back to discuss the mater after she was lumped in for potential arrest by the afore mentioned detractors:

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