EMPLOYEE TIME TRACKING: Lessons in Payroll with Charles Read

2 years ago

GetPayroll President Charles Read shares his years of knowledge of the payroll landscape to the masses. today's lesson: Time Tracking.


"As an employer, you must track the hours that your employees work. Then you are legally required to pay them, for all the time worked.
The FLSA (Fair Labor Standard Act), administered by the Department of Labor, sets forth the requirements for the federally mandated 40-hour workweek.
However, the Congressional “Portal to Portal Act”, first passed in 1947, modifies the FLSA in several ways. Including but not limited to the following:

Certain activities are not considered working for compensation; such as traveling to or from work or engaging in incidental activities before or after work.

The US Supreme Court has ruled, that the Portal-to-Portal Act requires paying employees for activities that are, “Integral and indispensable", to an employee's primary on-the-job actions.

An employee cleaning up before or after work is not normally considered work time for pay. However, if work includes working with dangerous material washing up maybe, “Integral and indispensable”, for safety purposes. If so, the employer must pay the employee for that time, because it involves worker safety and is therefore compensable.

Punching in or out of work, waiting in line for a paycheck, searches of workers for safety, or anti-theft screening are not considered working time that the employee must be paid for.

But, if an employee is, REQUIRED, to attend a training class, on ANY subject, the employer must pay for that time.

An automated Time & Attendance tracking system makes for fast, accurate payroll preparation. No more adding up timecards, interpreting rounding rules, or keying data into spreadsheets. It also eliminates buddy punching and ghost punches. Your employees simply track their time, the time and attendance software calculate hours based on your unique pay rules. Then it should pass that data to your payroll system to make all earning calculations.

If you’re interested in learning more about timekeeping and the benefits and the cost savings that it provides, check out our website at www.getpayroll.com

Thanks for listening.

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