WHO IS LORD: Jesus or Caesar

3 years ago

An expose` explaining why 98% of the churches in America are unable to truthfully say, "Jesus is Lord" in their churches. The message begins with an expository study through the 1st chapter of Colossians, first analyzing what God did for us and in us when He not only saved us, but also delivered us from the power of darkness and translated us into the kingdom of His dear Son, and then delves into Paul's revelation of the deity and the exalted position the Lord Jesus as God incarnate, the creator ruler of this universe. The message then culminates and centers on Paul's statement in v.18 that Christ is head over His body, the CHURCH as well (meaning His LOCAL assembly), that in ALL THINGS - He should have preeminence. We then explain the legal reasons that NO 501(c)3 "CHURCH" can make any claim that Christ has preeminence or that He is Lord in their "church" -- as they have literally stripped Christ of His Lordship and given it to the state instead, in effect saying as did the Jews, "We have no king but Caesar."

The Lord Jesus Christ accepts no competition; He not only DESERVES the place of preeminence in our lives, AND in our churches; but he DEMANDS it as well.

This sermon was preached by Pastor Sam Adams on 3-31-2019 at Independence Baptist Church in Ocala, Florida. Bible text: Colossians 1:1-22.

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