What's Happening to Middle Class America in 2022 ?

2 years ago

The middle class does most of the work, pays most of the taxes, and creates most of the jobs. In profession after profession, government control freaks have made it nearly impossible to make a living, and this has pushed the percentage of Americans that are self-employed to historic lows. The government is not the solution; it is the problem. The most expensive and inefficient sectors of the economy, healthcare, and education are dominated by government subsidies and regulations. And, of course, taxation is theft and, along with debt, the main source of government revenue. We must starve the beast. The economy can not be controlled. It can only be screwed up. Leave free markets alone, and all will be well. The middle-class today is losing ground not just in financial security and agency (control of capital), but in intangible capital. Credit cards, student debt with no degree/worthless degree, 10-year auto loans... Cry me a river. The K-12 cartel has become a de facto Stupid Factory, stamping out worthless slugs. The truth is that most American families are deeply struggling, but you hardly ever hear this from the mainstream media. Have a good look around your neighborhoods, stores, and schools. America looks nothing like it did even ten years ago. For many American's as good-paying manufacturing jobs fled the country for distant shores, life has become more difficult. Many of the people who have experienced the slip into an economic quagmire and rough times often will tell you, "I never thought it would happen to me." In the end, expect these people to become a burden to society. The number of people living on government transfers of wealth has grown over the years, as of today the National Debt Clock shows that over 167 million people are currently "receiving benefits" and 38 million Americans are on food stamp recipients up from 28 in 2008. The existence of the American middle class is threatened by two major factors. Stagnation in the domestic economy and globalization. Sad America! Primitive, decaying infrastructure.

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