Deltacron, Agenda 21, 30, 50, Biden's Colleague Arrested, The Reset & Another Plane Crash Plus...

2 years ago

Agenda 2021, 2030 & 2050 needed as humanity is too ignorant. The Globalists/Cabal are doing this to keep the public enslaved into their new world order. Vaccine Passports, Social Credit Score all incoming!

Bill Gates & George Soros look to work on more testing for virus variants. Covid's newest variant 'Deltacron' makes it's debut 'currently' without the information on WHO's website.

Experts blame fast food for the spike of viruses and the adverse immune disorder sweeping the planet.

Biden's close work colleague arrested for treason.

Double jabbed Dr. Malone continues to exposes WEF over this scamdemic.

A look into UK stats and 75% of Covid deaths were from vaccinated people.

Potentaly 5G conflicts with airplane flight controls, or could it be the vaccination taking down the pilot? Too many plane crashes either way not being reported.

2022 will be a huge year for humanity, share and speak all of these topics with your friends and community.

REMEMBER Ignorance is being complicit, saying NO means it can't happen.



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Life Force Assurance will provide access to health and wellness treatments, practices, services, protocols, devices, technology, and products to all human beings, globally. This is provided at no cost to all members and there is no cost to become a member.

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