Vespers of the Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Septuagesima

2 years ago

Here I run through Vespers as sung in the time between Septuagesima Sunday through Lent up to the Sacred Triduum.
During the Sacred Triduum the Little Office is not sung in public.

0:00 Hello!
0:29 Deus in adjutorium meum intende
1:05 Ant: Dum esset Rex, Psalm 109
3:30 Ant: Laeva ejus, Psalm 112
5:48 Ant: Nigra sum, Psalm 121
8:15 Ant: Jam hiems transiit, Psalm 126
10:36 Ant: Speciosa facta est, Psalm 147
13:45 Capitulum: Ab initio et ante saeculum
14:10 Hymn: Ave Maris Stella, Officium Parvum chant tune
15:48 Versicle: Diffusa est gratia
16:06 Ant: Beata Mater, Magnificat mode 2 solemn tone
19:18 Domine exaudi, collect
20:22 Benedicamus Domino (for feast of Our Lady)
21:11 Ave Regina Caelorum, solemn tone

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