Obsession Drives The Worst (Reddit Story)

2 years ago

Top Reddit Stories: Obsession Drives The Worst

Full Story:
Hi, first of all, The course of events in the story happened from 2007 to 2012, however the actual terrifying encounter in the story happened on 2012, two years after my graduation.

So like others who cannot get over with their horrifying encounters, you're not alone since that encounter still remains fresh on my mind until now.

Before we begin with the story, let me tell you a short history about my father and his family's struggle and life in the early days as an immigrant in US.

My family lived in Pennsylvania, Lancaster to be exact. But before that, my paternal side or my father's family actually hails from Romania, they immigrated to US on 1964.

My paternal grandfather fled to the west during the last days of World War II, he was not a soldier nor a collaborator during the war.

Being just a regular civilian, he fled to the west due to the widespread bombings in Bucharest. He also feared of getting since their house was damaged by a during an air raid on 1944, luckily they survived.

When he fled, he was already married and had one kid who is my oldest paternal uncle. They settled and lived in France for 19 years, my paternal grandpa went into several jobs to earn money there. My dad along with his siblings were also born and raised there. By the time, when they finally immigrated to US, my father was just five years old.

My father was the fourth out of five children.

After immigrating to US, they arrived in New York penniless, they became beggars in the streets for days until my paternal grandfather along with his oldest son, (my oldest paternal uncle) went into several jobs until they were able to make much money and rent an apartment.

My paternal grandmother also found a job as a cleaner in various parks and usually my father along with his two older sisters, (my paternal aunts), and his younger brother, (my younger paternal uncle) would come there to help her.

After that, my father along with his siblings would study and work there for a long time. They were all able to finish primary and secondary education.

My dad along with his siblings also studied college there, they were lucky enough to finish their studies and find a stable job.

My dad planned on applying as a teacher after moving to another state, since education was his course on college.

Unfortunately for his younger brother, he didn't finished his education due to his vices. Instead of using his money to enroll in the college, he would use it to drink in the bar, buy a cigarette, and the worst is he used it to buy drugs. Sometimes he would even get into fights with his older siblings including my dad for allegedly stealing their cash to use it for his own luxury.

They really feel sorry for him, he was rehabbed for the longest time and was only able to walk free by 1981. Like he promised to them, he had already changed for the better.

Destiny also gave him a second chance, he was able to find a stable job and meet a woman who gave him all the love and time when they got married.

It would take years for my father and his family to find a comfortable life, His three siblings did moved to other states. However, my paternal grandfather and grandmother decided to just move in Plattsburgh, my younger paternal uncle also decided to live close to them so he can keep an eye on them.

My father would finally move in Pennsylvania on 1985, his older siblings moved as early as 1983. he settled and lived in Lancaster and he also found a job there as a schoolteacher. Soon after, he will meet and date my mother there until they got married.

When I was a kid, Romanian language became the first language for me to learn since I was always close with my dad, I admit, I am a daddy's boy. My mom however was always busy with her work as a nurse while my father just worked as a high school teacher.

I grew up with no siblings so honestly, I was the only child and it was so boring for me since I don't have any younger brother or sister to play and interact with.

It will took several years for me to fully understand and learn how to speak English. Honestly that was hard, during elementary, I am a total loner, I don't have any friends and the worst part is I was ridiculed whenever I tried to speak English since I always stutter whenever I try to do it.

So to be simple, I can compare myself to an alien during my childhood. A kid with no friends, a kid who is always a whipping boy, and a kid who had nothing to defend himself from the judgements he receive.

But anyways, my parents were always here for me so even I always get bullied, there would be someone who can stand for me.

On this r/askreddit channel i show you the reddit stories. All you need to do is search reddit stories in therumble search.

Source: https://exe.io/ccBXc

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