Antique bowl

3 years ago

A Tibetan singing bowl is a type of bell that vibrates and produces a rich, deep tone when played. Also known as singing bowls or Himalayan bowls, Tibetan singing bowls are said to promote relaxation

and offer powerful healing properties. Buddhist monks have long used Tibetan singing bowls in meditation practice.

For example, they might be placed around your body, on your body, or in different locations around the room. To create sound with a singing bowl, firmly press the accompanying mallet in a circular motion against the bowl's outside edge or rim. When you hear a bright, clear tone, you can slow down the motion.
Besides their traditional use for meditation, Tibetan singing bowls are used for deep relaxation and muscle regeneration, to relieve pain in the joints, muscles and shoulders, to ease pain related to sciatica, the digestive system, headaches and migraine or spine injuries, to improve circulation, release tensions

Singing bowls play a significant role in keeping negative energy at bay. It scares away the evil energies and power that exists around your home. Singing bowl creates a beautiful sound that gives a calming effect to the atmosphere. This feature attracts health, fortune and good luck in your lives
The different types of Singing bowls include Thadobati, Jambati, Naga, Mani, Ultabati, Manipuri, Lingam, Remuna, and others. They differ in their shape, size, style, tone, quality, and have unique characteristics. Some authentic Himalayan singing bowls from Nepal, Tibet, and India are more than 500 years old.
Singing bowls originated in Mesopotamia over 5,000 years ago, and made their way to the regions of Tibet, Nepal and India which all have singing bowls in their history and culture dating back some 2,000 years.
Traditionally, the bowls were made by hand, hammering out their shape from sheets of metal alloy. Bowls that are more modern are mostly made from a kind of bronze alloy known as “bell metal”, which is a mix of copper and tin.
You can alter the tone and create a variety of sounds from one singing bowl. All you have to do is to practice. Small and medium-sized metal singing bowls typically ring for 40-60 seconds, with the overtones lasting longer. Some singing bowls only ring for 30 seconds, while others ring for more than a minute.

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Himalayan Singing Bowl
17 Street, Lakeside Road, Pokhara 33700

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