Joe Biden Doesn’t Care if Ukraine Wins, But Why?

2 years ago

Vlad “Barney Ruble” Putin Meets His Match in Joe “Mr. Magoo” Biden

Biden the Indifferent: Ponder Joe Biden’s commitment to Ukraine in that he totally opposes Russia while choosing them as negotiator for Iranian oil. And that he’d rather Afghani Muslim radicals kept $80 billion of American arms instead of flying them to Ukraine, a mere 2,000 miles.

No Jets, They Could Offend! Biden’s decision to reject Poland’s offer of 30 jet fighters for Ukraine is a head-scratcher, since that single choice could easily cost the war. Then again, Joe isn’t so concerned about Ukraine’s survival. But he really doesn’t want to offend Russia or China!

Hunter Gatherer: Yet, is it possible Biden really hopes his son Hunter’s crimes die along with Ukraine?

The following are ten clues that Biden cares about as much for Ukraine as he does for Donald Trump’s nicknames.

Biden didn’t argue the West should have any response to taking Crimea.
Biden didn’t arm Ukraine after Putin began massing troops at the border.
Biden didn’t warn Putin of consequences before the invasion, but was excited.
Biden consistently leads from the rear, Obama-esque style, internationally.
Sec State “Winkin’” Blinken Okayed planes till Poland offered, then Biden canceled.
Biden states US can’t risk Russian “escalation,” canceling several military maneuvers.
Biden stated chemical weapons attacks aren’t a “red line” warranting a counterstrike.
Biden refuses to employ all economic sanctions against Russia.
Biden Family already compromised by Hunter’s Ukrainian/Russian/Chinese corruption.
If Biden had timely armed Ukraine, Russia would already be defeated.

Putin Poseur: In the meantime, Putin figured out how to destroy his reputation for wisdom and strategic preeminence in a few weeks. Once seen as a brooding chess player always improving his nation, Vlad is now perceived as pathetic grifter, a lowlife thug who murdered and stole his way to the top. Don’t insult him, he’ll poison or shoot you. But watching all his tanks blow up and begging China for replacements is not a good look.

Barney Ruble: Putin’s also become “Barney Ruble” by destroying his currency through almost universal revilement of his lack of morals. Hey, any fella who can blow up mothers and infants in a maternity hospital must be a tough guy, right?!! But if the world’s wealthiest man -- Elon Musk -- challenges you to a fistfight, you must be doing something wrong.

Joe Loves Dictators: The fact Joe would rather pour cash into the world’s worst tyrannies, Venezuela & Iran, for oil -- instead of America’s own producers, reveals what a sicko he is. And his administration. Consider Climate sophist John Kerry’s recent claims the suffering of immigranmts, blasted out of homes, murdered on roads across Ukraine, is nothing compared to future “Climate Victims,” in some apparent Road Warrior sequal.

Kamala Donkey: There must be a reason Biden, so quick to tout his own holy beliefs and successes, seems uninterested in actually saving lives. But we already knew that from Afghanistan. With an administration fit for a sideshow and a Vice President who’d loudly bray like a mule at the funeral of Geo Washington or Abe Lincoln, the joke is on the Democrats. But, sadly, the rest of America, too.

Hunter Succubus: Could Biden be unduly influenced by his son’s Hunter’s sins? It’s possible. And, we’ve learned repeatedly that a monomania campaign of Trump hate got America nowhere. So, we now need to find a way to finesse the next 4 years. With a world takeover by China seemingly in the works, Russia’s Putin with his jumpy fingers on the nuclear button, and Biden’s unseemly attack on everything that made America strong, we need the grace of God and some good patriots to survive. Keep praying, friends -- keep praying.

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