The Church Jesus Built (Summary)

3 years ago

This sermon was preached on 4/17/11 by Pastor Sam Adams at Independence Baptist Church in Belleview, Florida. This is the fifth of seven sermons in the series "The Church that Jesus Built."

Bible text: Matthew

This highly important message, as an introduction to Part 2 of the same title, sums up in only 15 minutes the previous messages in the series covering the critical doctrine of the Perpetuity of Christ's true church - from its founding by the Lord Jesus during His earthly ministry, through 3 centuries of bloody persecution by the Caesars, through the long dark ages when the false Roman Catholic church ruled Europe and continued that same bloody persecution, through the so-called Protestant Reformation when the Protestants became the persecutors, and on to the present day, when most who claim to be Baptist have shamefully abandoned the historic doctrines that once defined the true church, and are now no more worthy of calling themselves Baptist than are the Presbyterians, the Lutherans or the Methodists, NONE of whom can claim doctrinally or historically to be the true church Jesus built. Please listen to the message.

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