God: Unclassified (Eyes Wide Shut)

2 years ago


In seminary, students of theology, 95% of whom leave the clergy within five years, and 38% of whom, during a pandemic in which places of worship had voluntarily declared themselves nonessential, without even much of a legal fight, perhaps enjoying a long-awaited vacation, like one pastor of the largest historically Negro congregation in Northern Virginia, who, prior to the public health crisis had announced to his congregation that he felt far away from God, and taken hiatus, for recovery from "burnout", technically bipolar disorder according to the DSM, are taught that, in Christian theology, there are a total of three sources of revelation: 1) personal revelation, like a Moses encounter talking to a burning bush, announcing He is the I am; 2) the scriptures, which, despite record Bible sales, according to the American Bible Society found the lowest levels or reading, being a devotional practice most associated with joining in fellowship and essentially being forced to read portions of the Bible as a group activity, like in Bible study; and 3) the coming of God incarnate in the form of His son, whose birth is celebrated at Christmas, and whose Resurrection is celebrated at Easter, times at which places of worship chose to close, while even families volunteered not to visit grandparents, postponing until after a pandemic in which the elderly, from the very beginning were known to be the most vulnerable to adverse outcomes.

And, at least in the scriptures, there is one "revelation" that God was the Creator, a data point from which sprung the Kristian Andersen study that is the most cited for a zoonotic source that has yet to be located, but under the assumption that if there was a pandemic, there had, of necessity, to be some first cause. And, it was from this basic assumption that Aristotelian logic had proposed that a God had to exist, but which science had replaced with a Big Bang, occurring in nothing, repealing the first Newtonian Law of Conservation of Mass: It is neither created nor destroyed.

The Big Bang Theory denies the very foundational basis of science that replication and reproducibility of results is a constant, but even the void in third grade thermos has yet to explode into a new universe.

Most Americans accept on faith the paranormal, the most common of which is ESP, even if, by being paranormal, they are informed by the label that science cannot prove it, and most common paranormal beliefs science has actually explained, but a determination persists to declare these "supernatural" science defying events an unexplainable mystery--a mystery only to the person with their eyes wide shut.

Most information about a novel coronavirus was available in February, including exhortations not to lockdown and that "it is not clear whether this correlates with the presence of an infectious virus", but by early March 2020, even its author was convinced that nobody had read it, not even the statement that there were guidelines to protect the elderly in nursing homes, the most vulnerable, without pharmacalogical intervention, but who have become over 75% of the fatalities.

As early as April 2020, it was known that fatalities were occurring in veterans care facilities where the doors to visitors had been closed to visitors on March 10, 2020, and not even that evidence had prompted authorities to reconsider the demands for lockdowns as effective, nor, with over 21,000 fatalities to date, has anyone taken action to address or admit this fact.

On March 7, 2020, repudiating Marbury v. Madison, the Supreme Court rejected the notion that "it is the emphatic duty and province of the Judiciary Department to say what the law is" and decided to pass, without further comment, on an application to compel the White House to respond or even provide an explanation as to why it had responded to a simple yes or no FOIA requesting whether the infectious dose and/or secondary attack rate for COVID-19 was classified information, information that, under Executive Order 12,958, could only be classified if the government owned the causative biological agent, SARS-CoV-2, which, under the law, would necessitate that it had to have been cultivated in a laboratory, not zoonotically evolved.

And, this week, with calls for end of war, from the Pope, "in the name of God", and prayers being issued by CNN for fellow reporters in danger in a war zone, which readers of LA Times had boldly told soldiers ordered to take vaccines that when they signed up for the military they signed up for the danger, but apparently war correspondents are different, in evolving science.

While belief in Bigfoot, angels, aliens and the paranormal impose no moral obligation, a belief in God, as Creator, means you have duties and consequences, which is probably why most chose to deny the science and declare that God does not exist.

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