WE THE PEOPLE, Ep. #025: Putin's Intel Fails in Ukraine

2 years ago

MAR. 14, 2022

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- GodSpeed Garden provides its first food donation to homeless people to People Love Church in Saint Petersburg.

- Health Hacks running videos to begin using GoPro 10 camera in next couple weeks.

- Cost of fuel spiked eighty-five cents in past nine days in Saint Petersburg, Florida.

- Vladimir Putin fires his CIA equivalent in Russia due to failed intel of how easy this war would be to wipe out the Deep State's biological laboratories in Ukraine.
Low estimates on loss of life:
Ukrainians - 100,000 people
Russians - 80,000 people.
That number continues to climb.

- The Deep State New World Order wants Putin to use chemical warfare in Ukraine. When he does, then the corrupt media and politicians will place United States military in the middle of the action. This is to defend the biolabs already in Ukraine.

- Russia has done a great job of trying to avoid massive bloodshed in Ukraine. Putin could easily wipe out the nation if he wanted to. All he wants to do is decimate the biolabs there. Reports of a biolab under the hospital in Maripol are accurate. The Russians gave a week's notice to clear the hospital of people for an impending attack. Russian troops did not want to unnecessarily injure the citizens there. They simply wanted to destroy the biolab under the ground. The corrupt Deep State intentionally constructed the facility under the hospital in secret because they are hiding the next biological warfare plan.

- The truth is in plain sight. Keep listening to us for the real truth. We will not back down. We are here for you. We love you and we want you to know what is really going on behind the curtain, where the Deep State Globalists are playing the Wizard of Oz.

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