OPP March 2022

3 years ago

On this episode of OPP I am sharing projects submitted by:
Martinelli Marcello: The sun of Italy intarsia
Teresa: Bella pencil drawing
Ron Ostromecki: mouse intarsia (free Judy Gale Roberts pattern)
Indio Decimo: Mermaid Intarsia/Segmentation, Anatomic Heart Intarsia/Segmentation, Flower Intarsia/Segmentation, and Mary and Jesus scroll sawed piece.
Kevin Marshall: Sacred Heart Piece
Max Reid: “Cowboy Up” Intarsia (Pattern by Judy Gale Roberts, called The Cowboy)
Jim Merrow: Intarsia Roses (Judy Gale Roberts pattern)
Mellanie Boone: Relief carving

Thanks everyone for sharing your awesome projects! Keep it up and I would love to see what else you create!

If you would like to share an item on OPP please send me an email and put OPP in the subject line. undeniablycy@gmail.com and tell me a little bit about your project.
Please follow up if you haven’t heard from me since I can’t seem to find stuff sometimes. :)

Cy’s Corner Rumble Channel: https://rumble.com/c/c-553423
Cy’s Corner CloutHub: https://clouthub.com/c/cyscorner
Cy’s Corner Odysee: https://odysee.com/@cyscorner:6
Cy’s Corner Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOoeZFDsNp4US0BEvevTQmw
Cy’s Corner Shop (Etsy): https://www.etsy.com/shop/CysCornerShop
Cy’s Corner Website: https://cyscorner.wordpress.com/
Cy’s Corner Instagram: https://instagram.com/cyscorner
Cy’s Corner Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CysCornerShop/?ref=settings
Cy’s Corner Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/cyscorner

Cy’s Corner Theme songs by My Torn Genes: http://mytorngenes.com/

Cy’s email: undeniablycy@gmail.com

Send me a sticker and I’ll send you one!
Cy’s Corner
P.O. Box 104
Prineville, Oregon

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