GoldSeek Radio -- Martin Armstrong: Global Capital Flight, Gold & Commodities Outlook

2 years ago

Martin Armstrong, founder of Armstrong Economics, returns to Radio. He recently completed filming a sequel to his hit documentary-biography, The Forecaster, highlighting the intriguing aspects of his professional career as a market operator, rouge economist and prognosticator.

Armstrong outlines capital flight around the globe, monitoring money flows via proprietary computer models. Clampdowns on cryptocurrencies is occurring simultaneously with central banks adoption of their own sovereign cryptos, Dollar, Yuan, etc.

Armstrong, a man who once spoke with Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher on economic policy finds it difficult to fathom the character of modern policymakers, noting, "You'll own nothing and be happy!" is the new globalist mantra, yet such thinking could result in policy disasters, such as pension fund destruction and dangerous nationalism. Our guest wraps up the show with his outlook on commodities and gold.

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