God: Unclassified (Paradise [for the] Lost

3 years ago

Ever Heard a Nasty Woman Say, She Didn’t Need a Man to Do What She Couldn’t Do for Herself?

A lot these days discusses genders and sex and how all are actually equal, but you should have the right to express your individuality. And, with eligibility opening for women to register for the selective service, men joining the military to get a sex change, women being eligible for combat unit assignments and schools, and a war against an unhinged person in Eastern Europe, it is at least significant, not to imply weakness in any way, shape or form, that statistically, like the stochastic and mathematical models that provided us with reproductive numbers in the pandemic, and that form the basis of Bayesian analysis to predict the probability of life on other planets, regardless of disposition regarding deity—and women tend to be far more in attendance and participation in religion than men—women tend far more to believe in ghosts and demons, the topics of scary movies, and if the babes and going out on a date with you and your bad ass macho self, they may see that inner woman in you trying to get out. Just saying, Hero.

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