2 years ago

Trying to block Intercessor’s ability to attain revelation. Strike the blocks down Ex 7:12 and restore your flow because this attack has been going on on/off for 2 weeks and we need to get our footing back and keep accelerating.
God has been speaking to me for 3 weeks that Acceleration is here and hence Front Runners need to stay right in position with Gods timing. The enemy is releasing ways to get us out of Gods timing or to interrupt our ability to stay aligned with Love. Therefore, there are fiery darts being sent out to Front Runners/ Intercessors/Voodoo assignments to set you up in the natural through witchcraft spells.
You need to break off ALL strategies/assignments/tactics of the enemy with Ex 15:6 and block these demonic assignments over you for your region. There is a gnashing of teeth coming against the body, or those who are moving higher into the high things of the spirit because those at the lower levels don’t have the revelation that we have been given. They don’t have the revelation because they chose to stay underneath the apparatus of religion so they are hearing half truths/lies from the enemy because their flesh still dominates.
So their immaturity is becoming realized through their prayers/decrees in their fear that they’ve not listened when told to come forward.
NOT YOUR CIRCUS NOT YOUR MONKEY- STAY FOCUSED ON THE TARGET GOD HAS GIVEN YOU! None of us can walk others walks for them and there is a sprit of entitlement that most of the body need to get delivered from if they want success in their lives. The spirit of entitlement makes the immature feel like everyone owes them something and when corrected they get angry like high schoolers not getting their way because they realize they are FINALLY going to have to roll up their sleeves and GET TO WORK and learn about warfare!
Israel had to realize this when they were learning how to come out of the wilderness and very few of them made it out because they were too busy whining about what they didn’t have or about the warfare they were still enduring. But! THERE is a place spiritually where the glory covers you and you no longer have to deal with the demons of the past because they can’t touch/see you so your life becomes protected and blissful!

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