FAUCI SUMMARY VIDEO 27 = Chapter 9, Part D - Philanthrocapitalism

2 years ago

Pages 278-322

Rockefeller and Bill Gates did something ingenious, when it came to avoiding taxes, they created “non-profit” foundations and donated that money to these entities.

I can’t keep all this money, so I am going to give it away.. to ME!

But these “benevolent” “gifts” ... BOOK, Page 291 … can be strategically targeted to give these multi-billion dollar foundations control of international health and agricultural agencies as well as the media.

As you are aware of by now - the MONEY controls the NARRATIVE. Another word for what is happening is “Philanthrocapitalism”. It looks like charity but it is really still a capitalist enterprise!

So, in the name of “humanitarianism” Fauci, Gates, and Pharmaceutical Companies have… BOOK, Page 292… shifted the focus away from nutrition, sanitation, and economic development to solving Africa’s HIV crisis with drugs and vaccines.

Please follow me for more on the HIV boondoggle, it will blow your mind!

We think of colonialism as people with weapons of war going in and taking over countries - but “soft-colonialism” is when people take over using other means.

BOOK, Page 293, “After the Soviet bugaboo collapsed, Islamic terrorism and biosecurity supplanted communism as the rationale for a continued US military and corporate presence all over the developing world.”

So “biosecurity” was the trojan horse for Fauci and Gates to gain power, specifically with African governments. BOOK, Page 294 The “WHO became their colonial vassal, legitimizing and facilitating their campaigns to open African markets for drugmakers to dump unwanted products and to experiment with promising new cures”.

Except that these new “cures” never happened, as a matter of fact, people who were taking vaccines actually turned out to have MORE of a risk of contracting disease.

Sound familiar?

More in the next installment!

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