watch the fastest dog ever seen

2 years ago

do you know Most dogs could easily outrun a human – they’re built to run and chase! The fastest breed of dog by far, though, is the Greyhound. These speedy sight hounds can reach a top speed of 45mph within seconds of starting to run

‘But how does this beat a cheetah?’ we hear you ask. Well, while a cheetah can get up to almost 70mph, they can only keep this going for around 30 seconds. Greyhounds, on the other hand, could easily run at speeds in excess of 35mph for seven miles. So despite the cheetah’s head start, they’d soon overtake!

When they run fast, or gallop, dogs have a four-time, asymmetrical gait. This means that as they run, their feet fall in a pattern of right front, left front, right hind, left hind (source). Each front foot lifts off the ground before its corresponding rear foot steps down. Some fast breeds have a double-suspension gallop in which their body is propelled through the air with four legs leaving the ground at the same time.
Imagine the fastest-running dog in the world. You’re probably picturing a greyhound! Greyhound dogs can run up to 45 miles per hour, rivaling the cheetah for land speed records over distance (although cheetahs beat them handily in a sprint).

Other leggy hounds can run at similarly fast speeds. Salukis, Vizslas, and Deerhounds have all been clocked around 40 mph. German Shepherds and Border Collies can run up to 30 mph. Boxer dogs can run that fast, too, and were used as couriers in wartime thanks to their running abilities (source). And even some smaller, athletic dogs like Jack Russell Terriers and Italian Greyhounds can reach speeds of 25–30 mph!

What do these fast dogs have in common? A deep chest, lean body, and proportionally long legs. They have the cardio power and lung capacity to move fast, and a wide reach to keep them covering ground.
this video is uploaded from YouTube Creative Commons Attribution license

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