What do you mean, "I don't know how to get started"?

2 years ago

#StayingIgnorant is simply a choice today.
Do we choose to remain there? Why? We'll know what the answer is if we continue to not move in the direction of our dreams and goals. We must be willing to take risk or our dreams will perish because we're remaining the same.
The most commonly ask question in any new endeavor is "How do I get started". Why is that if we have genuine interest? #HowdoIgetstarted is the springboard to Ingnite the journey of knowledge about any subject matter. #ChoosegreatnessoverIgnorance
So, what's holding you back from beginning of your quest in a foreign arena?
Ignorance is a excuse remain mediocre. You want excellence, prestige, riches, abundance, and growth. We must step into our greatness and get out of our comfortable bed of mediocrity if we truly want adventure.

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