Dr. Dana Granberg-Nill: Harmful Vaccines, The Deep State Covid Narrative, & Healthy Living!!

2 years ago


Advanced Home Pros (@ https://advancedhomepros.com)

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★Dr. Dana Granberg-Nill★
• Family Practitioner
• Patriot Mom

Dr. Dana H. Granberg-Nill MD FAAFP is a board-certified family physician that has been in private practice in the Kansas City, Missouri area for over 20 years.  She completed her medical training at the University of Kansas School of Medicine and residency in Family Medicine at Baptist Medical Center in Kansas City, Missouri.  She achieved the Degree of Fellow of the American Academy of Family Physicians in 2011 and served on the Board of Directors for the Missouri Academy of Family Physicians from 2011 through 2014.  When medical landscape in the wake of COVID made it increasingly difficult to openly practice medicine consistent with her observations, analysis, research, and beliefs, she resigned from her practice in the fall of 2021.  

She has been building a small personalized direct care type practice with like-minded individuals that will open in the next month or so, while also working with community members on many fronts to secure the freedoms required to educate and inform patients on how to persist in their pursuit of their health care needs.   Dr. Granberg-Nill is an associate medical director of clinical affairs with AFLDS and is working to bring GoldCare Health and Wellness clinics to communities.    These clinics will seek physicians dedicated to re-establishing the doctor-patient relationship without the incentives -or obstacles- that have increasingly shaped the advice and actions of physicians and subsequently, the choices offered and discussed with their patients.  Dr. Grandberg-Nill is committed to medical freedoms for both physician and patient.  This requires an open dialogue without censorship or silencing as well as  accuracy and access to information that is essential in medical decision making.   

Stay strong, fellow patriots! ✊🏻 🇺🇸

Your friendly neighborhood patriot,
Hannah 🌻

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