Independent Vaccine Consumer Advocate Group

2 years ago


The new title represents what we are, a vaccine consumer advocacy group. Our attention to vaccines comes from genuine concerns raised not from YouTube videos or Facebook groups, but from the direct response from Doctors, RN's, Government officials, regulatory agencies, and vaccine producers. These concerns go back to the initiation of vaccine mandates in various States, removal of personal belief/religious exemption and the increasingly aggressive push to add more and more vaccines to childhood vaccination schedules.
The concerns worsened as more and more parents began to speak out and were being silenced. Parents of vaccine injured children who were being denied the ability to make their circumstances public and even worse, were being told they were antivaxxers for blaming the vaccines.
Once Doctors began to have their licenses threatened for doing their job and making the right call to recommend medical exemptions based on the official guidelines it became clear that what we were witnessing was a massive amount of corruption that clearly is economically motivated.
Having already invested several years into the vaccine industries corrupt practices, once the pandemic began, it was very obvious what was coming, but personally what's happened eclipses even what I imagined. Introducing a NEVER before released mRNA vaccine to the general population with just a few months worth of study data and pushing it not as an experimental product but as safe and effective for all even while the actual manufacturers are refusing to disclose updated safety data as well as data relating to the history of mRNA vaccine testing.
In this video you will see my initial concerns presented prior to the rollout of vaccinations in the U.S. followed by calls made to both Pfizer and Moderna where neither are willing or able to offer response to a number of valid concerns.

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