Luke 9:1-17 By the Power of the Holy Spirit

2 years ago

They told Jesus all that they had done…they cast out demons, healed the sick, cured diseases, and preached the gospel.
But they did not do any of that in their own power…but by the power of the Holy Spirit…
And that is exactly what Scripture tells us:
“Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit,’ says the Lord of hosts.” (Zechariah 4:6)
Remember…Jesus gave them His power to be able to cast out, cure, heal, and preach.
And the Bible tell us that we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us.
So, I should be able to go over to the airport across the street and pilot a plane...right…
I mean Jesus will give me the power to fly that plane even though I have never flown a plane in my life.
In the context in which Paul wrote that statement he had been through various trials and had suffered greatly.
So that verse means that Jesus will give us the strength to endure whatever comes our way.
And in the context of our verses this morning…we have the power of Jesus…the Holy Spirit living inside of us…
Which gives us the confidence to preach the gospel and show others the reason for the hope that we have.

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