Pi Day, Full Moon, Purim, Antichrist Dreams and Pope, JESUS-Rapture Hoping & Singing 726 222 144 121

2 years ago

Just starting off singing new song received in tongues tonight if anyone has interpretation, and then a quick summary of some significant God dreams about the rapture, why God told me to start a channel, and some dreams about Obama and the Pope as well as a dream of an elegant meal with Jesus. The "pie dream" Could also be Bye, Bye Miss American Pie.

Please check out @Joseph Acquaviva2222 to get the videos with the gematria, and also check my Warning Who Is the Antichrist playlist. The rapture is imminent and pre-Tribulation, and I watch daily for our Bridegroom while studying the Bible daily and obeying His commands. Maranatha.

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