if you knew what was good for you you'd be on the fringe

2 years ago

God knew every time i'd fuck up
whenever she comes back, she gonna be the most genuine, sincere mf
i know more things than a lotta people
follow my not $...if i had $ poof! where'd it go
vagina...credit/debit makes this obvious
99cents...pack of gum
so irresponsible w/ money, so true!
cannot be an honest to God hotep!
gotta move up in MY WORLD
no word more offensive to yours truly than progress
everything is a lie for the majority to get by
those rare birds that fly fly fly far away
nobody cares about words, they don't kill you
we are obsessed w/ words and yet...
bitch about words, do nothing about actions
maybe i do wanna hurt people
boom! in your face droppin acid
i need to just become a muslim man
1.) gender clinic 2.) mosque 3.) ???

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