Why Does The US Really Need A War With Russia? United States Against Europe.

2 years ago

Why Does The US Really Need A War With Russia?
There is no battle for Ukraine.
There is a war against Russia.
The war against Russia is a war against Europe.
Why is the United States waging this war?
Out of love for democracy and human rights?
Because of your altruistic concern for the future of Europe and the world?
To spread peace and prosperity around the globe?
The answer is disgustingly cynical. Because of the $ 17 trillion it owes the world, because of the $ 500 billion trade between Russia and Europe that they want to steal, to keep the dollar as a world currency, because the yuan came from the East and not it's good, and the BRICS countries have just set up their own bank and foreign exchange fund.
US debt is rising by $ 3.5 billion a day. Each American personally owes $ 148,000 to creditor states.
The largest US creditors are: China, Japan and Brazil.
In order for the United States to meet its debts, it had to organize cataclysms that did not have devastating consequences for the United States (the consequences are always for others, only for Europeans, preferably Russians), without lowering the standard of its own population so that the whole world participates in solving America's financial difficulties.
Let us now describe the objectives of the United States:
To cause an irreparable rupture between Europe and Russia, to create a manageable chaos in Ukraine to stop Russia's energy resources and for Europe to boil with anger against Russia, to boil until a point of no return and then it itself will cause an irreversible rupture of relations with Russia. Europe will then be forced to reorient itself to the US energy supply.
And then see….
… How the United States, with its shale gas, will once again be in the role of benefactor of Europe. This will lead to huge investments in American shale gas production and to the creation of a strong infrastructure for its processing and delivery in Europe.
Thus, the "benefactor" will win, and the "favored" Europe will pay twice or three times more for the American shale gas, and for consolation, it will celebrate and sing happily for the liberation from Russian energy oppression.
The largest shale gas fields are in Lugansk and Slaviansk.
In order to take over the European market forcing Europeans to link their economic interest to American energy supply.
In fact, We are talking about "the two economies that will literally merge into one", but it's not about merging, it's about swallowing.
The $ 500 billion trade between Europe and Russia must (necessarily!) Become the trade between Europe and America.
To intimidate Europe, to infuse Europeans with a terrible dread of "Russian danger and aggression," to flood Europe every second with lies about "Russian atrocities," about "the arrival of hordes of Russian tanks," about the "army of ships." Russian war ”, he uses manipulation in every way, he has to keep Europe in hysteria until he faints, and Russia has to be challenged to escalate conflicts, such as the one in Ukraine.
And this is how America "will keep the peace on the planet and give the strongest possible impetus to progress" (American, of course). Well, Europe will also "gain" something: by giving up Russian supplies, Europe would retain its title of defender of European values, human rights, and help the United States solve its debt problem.
President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin once called the United States a "global parasite." As we can see, it goes like this:
#Russia, #Ukraine, #NATO

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