Just Another Dance In The City by The NEW Bardots

2 years ago

Just Another Dance In The City ......Bongo Boy Records
Written by Gar Francis ,Wayne Olivieri with Dan Skye, Johnnie Rago and John Croot Jr.
Video concept Nick Koontz Jr./Wayne Olivieri
Executive Producers Johnnie Rago/John Croot Jr./Wayne Olivieri
Audio /Video performances:
Guitar: Gar Francis
Bass: Dan Skye
Keyboard: John Croot Jr.
Drums: Johnny (JR) Rago
Vocals: Wayne Olivieri
Special Guest on Harmonica: Myke Scavone(Yardbirds)
Edited and special effects Enhancement/titles: Nichlas Kuntz..Invision Post Concepts.
Road Manager: Bozak (AKA Gary Olivieri)

Audio Recorded at Sky Lab Studios Roosevelt NJ
Recorded by Dan Sky
Produced/Mixed by Gar Francis/DanSkye/Wayne Olivieri

The NEW Bardots on Bongo Boy Records

PR: E-Grapes Promotions Italy
Erika@e-grapes.com www.e-grapes.com Milano - Italy
Social Media:
facebook: The NEW Bardots
Twitter: @wethenewbardots

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