EPISODE #6 - BLUNT & DIRECT [ TIME ] - [ satan ] aka the GREEN MAN as Juan O Savin calls him

2 years ago

This is Episode #6 where I show you who the GREEN MAN is!!! [Lucifer][Satan][Devil]!!! The Man Of Sin!!! The Son of Perdition!!! Don't get intimidated by the length. You won't be disappointed!!!

FOLLOW ALONG ON MY WEBSITE AT: http://axeofthomas.com/satan

Thanks so much for checking out my new video series called BLUNT & DIRECT [TIME] with me, Tommy Dee, from TheAxeOfThomas.com. If you're new to my show, PLEASE remember to watch the episodes IN ORDER because the information builds and builds so you don't want to miss any details!

Connect with me on Telegram at:
https://t.me/+y1EC60QeAck2YTE5 (BDT CHAT)

God Bless!!!
Tommy Dee

TAGS: God Jesus Christ Holy Spirit Divine Lord King bible scripture faith religion book of revelation end time armageddon donald trump michael flynn lin wood juan o savin 107 jfk jr john baptist f kennedy salvation daniel 12 pray repent q anon WWG1WGA biblical prophecy heaven hell apocalypse volcano earthquake flat earth space force nasa satanic washington dc mystery babylon lucifer satan devil deep state illuminati occult invisible enemy nazi ss tunnels dumbs deep underground military base bunker ufo jesuit zion jew vatican city pope rome christian catholic london rothschild elite federal reserve bank 911 twin towers video matrix master magic tricks gene decode nibiru fallen angels demons aliens gog magog rumors of war barack obama osiris pharaoh dragon serpent seed reptilian shape shifter michelle transgender tranny terrorist false flag new age vibration consciousness science giants rephaim nephilim bloodline freemason secret society human child sex trafficking blood sacrifice ritual election vote fraud trucker convoy canada usa america russia invasion bomb ukraine nuclear warfare china virus vaccine jab shot covid 19 mrna mask mandate communist communism governement protest corruption heart attack stew peters flyover conservatives david nino rodriguez doctor dr zelenko ardis tenpenny mel k x22report spaceshot76 alex jones qanon 17

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