Pray Jesus Prayer Slowly To Experience God and Heaven Now

2 years ago

Exalt The Name of Jesus with every thought, word & action. Noetic Prayer is a 2000 year old Christian prayer with power to experience Unceasing Prayer (1 Thess 5:17) When The Holy Spirit fills us by Grace in Christ Jesus, God's Glory is revealed in our hearts. We are filled with Joy in all circumstances. Transformed with The Holy Spirit, we can give thanks at all times. This way we fulfill God's Will for our lives now & forever.

Rather than rely on your own powers, open a supernatural door by embracing Orthodox Christian Paradoses spoken of in The Bible and testified by faithful Orthodox Christian warriors for 2000+ years from when Jesus walked with us in the flesh to the present time across the world.

Pray God is glorified in your heart and lives as you grow in this practice at least 5 minutes a day until you are able to exalt Jesus consciously and autonomically every hour of the day and with every thought & breath whether awake or sleep.

To help you, I will also post focused 5 minute prayers in Greek & English in separate videos.

Glory to The Father Son and Holy Spirit now and forever.

Note: This video is partly inspired by God through the humbling message by Fr. Stephanos Anagnostopoulos and also shared partly by

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