Electro Magnetic Warefare is Here ~ Are You Prepared? Scary Times..

2 years ago

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There's an emerging brand of waging war that uses electrical energy instead of bombs and bullets to attack an enemy's means and will to continue the fight -- electromagnetic warfare.

As the digital global age depends on the digital infrastructure and digital connectivity, individuals as well as entities across each nation: its government, industries, organizations, and academia (NGIOA) today increasingly depend on closely integrated, high-speed electronic systems. Now, when any weapon gives our opponents or enemies the ability to use the electromagnetic (EM) spectrum and its signals to deny us the ability to use these signals for our digital infrastructure, digital connectivity, and digital initiatives, it becomes a cause of great concern.
Source of Video: Stranger Than Fiction News

Is 5G Dangerous? https://therealtruthnetworkcom.wordpress.com/2020/10/11/5g/

Faraday Shielding Products: Bags ~ Stop Phone Tracking and 5G/Wifi Signals: https://amzn.to/36kC1Yo

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