Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, Author: How America Was Lost - From 9/11 to the Police/Warfare State

2 years ago

Mar 1, 2022

Presidential historian Doug Wead to Lou Dobbs: Deep State Attempted Coup d’état of President Trump.

Presidential historian Doug Wead says they have achieved to overthrow foreign governments and now they are determined to overthrow the duly elected Republican president! " Doug Wead: We have very skilled, talented professionals. They’ve overthrown governments in Vietnam and the Philippines, in Iraq and Iran, in Egypt, in the Ukraine. Duly elected democratic governments. They created what they called “popular uprisings.” What did we expect? That’s there skill set. These people who work some of them in the State Department, some of them in intelligence, some of them in the media. They’ve worked together to overthrow other governments. So it was inevitable they would use the gun on ourselves. So here they go, let’s see if we can do this in America. It looks Like a coup d’état. I don’t know how else you would explain it. Deep State Operatives Are Attempting Coup d’état in U.S. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OTNUHoCygHk&t=0s
Presidential historian Doug Wead told Lou Dobbs Thursday the Deep State is attempting a coup d’état of President Trump.

Leaked Audio shows Obama & Biden plotting regime change in Ukraine during 2014 Maidan https://www.eutimes.net/2022/03/leaked-audio-shows-obama-biden-plotting-regime-change-in-ukraine-during-2014-maidan/

to bitchute rumble
The State of the Union in a Nutshell 2022
What in the actual fuck is going on? State of Disaster?

VIDEO: "Here are 7 minutes of Democrats saying we need to defund the police. It’s amazing they try to say they never argued for this." https://www.investmentwatchblog.com/video-here-are-7-minutes-of-democrats-saying-we-need-to-defund-the-police-its-amazing-they-try-to-say-they-never-argued-for-this/

Short Comment on Biden’s SOTU Address

>Appealing to “younger transgender Americans” (mind raped children)

>Saying he will help them transition (get savagely mutilated, often against their parents will)
>Invokes God to justify all this, as if God would somehow make children be born in a body that he didn’t originally intend (blasphemy of the highest order)

Holy fuck I didn’t think I could hate this man any more than I already do but here we go.
The good thing is that he didn’t mention Israel once.

That aside, there’s strong evidence to suggest that after the midterms the Republicans will be going on a big purge of anyone associated with the Donald Trump movement

LIVE-STREAM VIDEO: Marjorie Taylor Greene Delivers Response to Joe Biden's SOTU Address -- Starting at 11:10 PM ET -- Update: BEST SPEECH of the Night https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/03/live-video-marjorie-taylor-greene-delivers-response-joe-bidens-sotu-address-starting-11-pm-et/

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene Delivers Response to State of the Union Address 3/1/22





Does anybody really expect us to fight Russians for those who, since 1990, were shipping our jobs to Asia, who ban us from social media, stole 2020 election, who shot Ashli Babbitt, who shoved us to gulag for peacefully protesting the stolen election on Jan 6 2021,, who misused PCR Test to fake viral pandemic, try to force-medicate us with deadly mRNA jabs, before that they banned antiviral medications like Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin, try to slap diapers over our faces, put us for a year under house arrest, arrested beat up truckers-for-freedom in Ottawa, cancelled our freedom of speech and free association and freedom to travel, try to disarm us, attacked us in Charlottesville for protecting Great American Monuments-History and protesting our replacement with shit-hollers who are pouring through open southern border and at the same time the same pigs financed chimp-outs against us the white people almost for 2 years then took a knee to insult our flag, do you really expect us to give our lives for those who have indoctrinated our children that White people are oppressors and non-whites are victims (a.k.a. Critical Race theory or Cultural Marxist), for those who discriminate against us whites in hiring, promotions, access to education (a.k.a. affirmative actions)?


RUSSIANS DID NOT DO IT TO US! …Do u really expect us to die for the new world order woke globalists or shoot them right in the back of the melon? Which is it?

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