No population has been as manipulated as the American population in 2021. Ukraine and Russia

2 years ago

Is it a coincidence that as soon as the emergency powers from the COVID pandemic has waned, our government has declared yet another emergency escalation with the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. The integrity of the system should be the most important thing, but that is wrong. We are going into uncharted territories right now, how long until your own government can declare you a domestic terrorism and seize your assets? The tech monopolies now exert a level of control that has no precedence in history, the medieval church had less command over society’s emotions than the big tech overlords. Watch as our citizens are brainwashed and always dutifully change their social media avatars to fit the flavor of the week, whether its awareness for black lives matter, mask up slogans, or now support for Ukraine in the current Russian invasion. If you go to the store you can see how bad inflation is right now. So what is causing inflation and what is the root of it all. Joe Biden is telling us that government spending is not effecting inflation. Inflation is a function of money supply, the supply of US dollars in circulation has increased more in the first month of Joe Biden’s month than any other Presidential administration. The reality is that the federal reserve has been printing money incessantly for the last 14 years and now they are running out of tricks to keep up the current economic system. Janet Yellen is saying that inflation is not happening but that simply isn’t true, just drive down to the grocery store and fill up your gas tank at the gas station. Jen Psaki is saying that Vladimir Putin is responsible for the rise of inflation.
So leftists are against corporations, but if all the corporations are so called supporting your movement, doesn’t it feel incoherent how liberals or leftists who are actively against the government or big tech and occupy wall street and yet at the same time every corporation is supporting black lives matter, and support systemic racism. Do you really think that you won over the corporations and you think the corporations are always behind all of this virtue signaling with no ulterior motive? The right way to look at it, is how do these people end up with billions of dollars. If we have a system where its more advantageous to reinvest wealth and make it illegal to horde wealth. “To those with great power comes great responsibility”, so those with wealth it is up to them to do the right thing. We have to have somebody steering the ship, and if we have the wrong people steering the ship, meaning you don’t take full control of everything. We have a world that is out of control. And now look at the people who run facebook, who is partly responsible for the social divide in our country today. Remember the weak types are more likely to take power in democracy governments. At the end of the day, you need a man in control not a bunch of hand rubbing global interests.
So lets go back to the confusion that is going on with Ukraine and Russia. We thought there was a left and right division but there seems to be a deeper divide that is being exploited by the people in power. Confusion leads to people not knowing what to do and then it leads people down an even deeper divide. Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai is saying that we must take a system approach. What was going on in the year 2019? This is very important because what happened in 2019 set up the precedence for the COVID pandemic. What was going on globally? Globally there were millions of people protesting in Hong Kong, there were millions of people protesting in France, etc. in which these protests escalated against government corruption. Same thing in Chile, massive massive protests which was sparked by the price hike in metro fairs. And Zimbabwe, and Iran. This was all happening prior to 2020. These working people movements scared the shit out of the elites so what happened next? They released the ‘pandemic’. And it worked for the elites, bottoms up movements stopped overnight globally. So the Russian/Ukraine crisis is a manufactured crisis which is trying to divert working people’s attention while they try to squeeze working people for everything they get. Here is the reality that we live in, it is very easy for politicians to piss off other people and that is what is happening. It is a village war except it is between 2 countries. All of this is being done to ensure that you don’t get off your ass and will never build a bottoms up movement. The elites know how to move from crisis to crisis and the main goal is to make it so that the .001% that profit off of this while working people remain divided. The reality is that these elites can start wars and they can start conflict anywhere in the world and it is up to working people get up off your ass and wake up! You have to be educated or you will be enslaved.

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